« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2012, 10:36:22 pm »
Would you happen to be interested in joining the NPL? XD
(Obvious joke is a joke, for the kill joys)
Grave dig + my name

21:09 Avakael[RnR] sounds kind of homosexual
21:10 Houston[NPL] Lol.
21:10 Houston[NPL] Kill, help me kill off DZE, and you'll get it.
21:11 Avakael[RnR] like, Emperor Houston
21:11 Avakael[RnR] come on
21:11 Avakael[RnR] that name is literally wearing drag
02:04 catman1776[NPL] Kill scares me.
22:25 WarriorSoul[RnR|MoFA] Kill is top dog.