Author Topic: Nuclear Darkness Accords(Upgraded)  (Read 1637 times)

Offline Kem

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Nuclear Darkness Accords(Upgraded)
« on: February 20, 2012, 02:41:55 pm »
Article I. Introduction
The Global Order of Darkness and The Nuclear Proliferation League, hereby known as the parties, come together under this document with the goals of proliferating the usage of Nuclear Arms in Dark conditions.

Article II. Sovereignty and Non-Agression
The Parties agree that each alliance is an individual and they shall not infringe upon the sovereign rights of that of the other. Neither party shall act in an agressive manor towards the other, in the event it does happen, 100% of the damages shall be paid in reparations.

Article III. Intelligence
The Parties agree that any intelligence that is relevant to either Party must be shared to it's full extent between the parties.

Article IV. Military Assistance
The Parties may call on each other for Military Assistance in both agressive and defensive campaigns; providing military assistance is encouraged but not required by this document.

Article V. Cancellation
If either party wishes to cancel this agreement, they must provide 72 hours notice, during that time, this document is still considered in effect.

Signed for the Global Order of Darkness on October 18th, 2011:
Xiphosis, Dark Lord
Mixoux, Lord of Diplomacy

Signed for the Nuclear Proliferation League on October 18th, 2011:
KemMo, Prime Minister
Morjon, Deputy Prime Minister
King Wally, High Chancellor

Smurthwaite, Warhead of Foreign Affairs
Gofast2006, Warhead of Defenses
Vulpes Inculta, Warhead of Economics
MildlyInsance, Warhead of Education
Wickes, Warhead of Communications
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 02:43:09 am by Kem »

Strength through loyalty and honor...

Fun times:

* Kem[NPL] sues Xiph
<Liz> you'll get 10% of his yogurt.
<Liz> :p
<Kem[NPL]> I demand 50%
<Liz> law says 10%
<Kem[NPL]> Damn, only you get 50, Lizosis
<Kem[NPL]> 0_0
<Liz> Oh no you didn't.

<KemJ> No, my cock physically touching another dude's would be weird as fuck
<AngelRick> ((
<AngelRick> sorry it's 2am I need to stop talking >_<
<KemJ> XD
* AngelRick Quit (Quit: Leaving)
<KemJ> Actually I might do it if I'd never see the other guy again
<KemJ> Maybe
<KemJ> Fuck he left
<KemJ> Now it's not funny just gay

<Catman1776[NPL]> fine post all the porn you want
<Catman1776[NPL]> post porn of porn
<Catman1776[NPL]> hell post porn of cybernations I don't care
<Catman1776[NPL]> :I
<Kem[NPLurks]> I don't even know what that would be.
<Catman1776[NPL]> JamesTaggart[FEAR|VC] did you hear me?! POST IT AAAAAALLLLL
<Catman1776[NPL]> I don
<Catman1776[NPL]> I don't either Kem
<Catman1776[NPL]> I honestly dont want to find out
<Kem[NPLurks]> I kinda do
<Catman1776[NPL]> creepy bastard
<Lurunin[PPO]> kemmo
<Lurunin[PPO]> picture this
<Lurunin[PPO]> Sardonic, naked
<Lurunin[PPO]> on top of a nuke
<Catman1776[NPL]> is that propaganda for us or them
<Kem[NPLurks]> I just jizzed.
<Catman1776[NPL]> oh for christsakes..
<Lurunin[PPO]> lmfaop


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