Author Topic: CSN-NPL MDoAP(Overridden by SF(cancelled))  (Read 1328 times)

Offline Kem

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CSN-NPL MDoAP(Overridden by SF(cancelled))
« on: May 14, 2012, 02:53:36 am »
The Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations and The Nuclear Proliferation League wishing to confirm their friendship and collective defense hereby enter into this Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact.

Article 1: Non Aggression
No member of either alliance shall ever commit an act of violence toward each other. Any rogue attack will be punished as seen fit by the responsible signatory.

Article 2: Respect
Both signatories agree to remain respectful to each other at all times in public and in private. Any disputes will be settled diplomatically via private channels.

Article 3: Intelligence
Both signatories agree to share any and all information pertaining to the security and stability of one another. All information passed between the two alliances shall be kept confidential.

Article 4: Mutual Defense
An attack on either signatory alliance by a foreign aggressor will be seen as an attack on both alliances. Proper defensive measures will be taken.

Article 5: Optional Aggression
Both signatories shall also have the option of coordinating with each other to carry out aggressive action against a non-signatory alliance. If either alliance is planning to engage in an aggressive action, they must provide the other with at least 48 hours notice before doing so.

Article 6: Cancellation
This treaty may be canceled at any time by either alliance. Should the need to cancel arise, the canceling alliance must give a 48 hour notice of their intent to cancel via private channels and a valid reason of why they have chosen this option. The treaty will remain in effect until the 48 hour period has elapsed.

Signed for The Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations:
Liz, Head of State, Former worst MoFA ever, ZI club Member, Director of Raiding
SpacingOutMan, Deputy Head of State, Preacher of Liz, Defender of Beward, The Commonwealth's Right Hand, The Commonwealth's Blue Balls
Severius, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Crazyman93, Minister of Interior Affairs
Verdale, Minister of Defence
Attraki, Director of Education
Zoli84, Director of Finance
Jasch, Director of Recruitment

Signed for Nuclear Proliferation League:
KemMo, Prime Minister
Smurthwaite, Deputy Prime Minister
King Wally, Warhead of Foreign Affairs
Stonehouse, Warhead of Education
Gosh175, Warhead of Economics
Gungnir, Warhead of Defenses
Morjon, Warhead of Communications
lkfht, Warhead of Recruitment
Gofast2006, Govt. Adviser
MildlyInsane, Govt. Adviser
Kirkhill, Adviser
deja, Adviser
« Last Edit: July 22, 2013, 10:17:30 pm by Dark Zone Elite »

Strength through loyalty and honor...

Fun times:

* Kem[NPL] sues Xiph
<Liz> you'll get 10% of his yogurt.
<Liz> :p
<Kem[NPL]> I demand 50%
<Liz> law says 10%
<Kem[NPL]> Damn, only you get 50, Lizosis
<Kem[NPL]> 0_0
<Liz> Oh no you didn't.

<KemJ> No, my cock physically touching another dude's would be weird as fuck
<AngelRick> ((
<AngelRick> sorry it's 2am I need to stop talking >_<
<KemJ> XD
* AngelRick Quit (Quit: Leaving)
<KemJ> Actually I might do it if I'd never see the other guy again
<KemJ> Maybe
<KemJ> Fuck he left
<KemJ> Now it's not funny just gay

<Catman1776[NPL]> fine post all the porn you want
<Catman1776[NPL]> post porn of porn
<Catman1776[NPL]> hell post porn of cybernations I don't care
<Catman1776[NPL]> :I
<Kem[NPLurks]> I don't even know what that would be.
<Catman1776[NPL]> JamesTaggart[FEAR|VC] did you hear me?! POST IT AAAAAALLLLL
<Catman1776[NPL]> I don
<Catman1776[NPL]> I don't either Kem
<Catman1776[NPL]> I honestly dont want to find out
<Kem[NPLurks]> I kinda do
<Catman1776[NPL]> creepy bastard
<Lurunin[PPO]> kemmo
<Lurunin[PPO]> picture this
<Lurunin[PPO]> Sardonic, naked
<Lurunin[PPO]> on top of a nuke
<Catman1776[NPL]> is that propaganda for us or them
<Kem[NPLurks]> I just jizzed.
<Catman1776[NPL]> oh for christsakes..
<Lurunin[PPO]> lmfaop


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