Author Topic: Nuclear Insanity Accords(Upgraded)  (Read 1343 times)

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Nuclear Insanity Accords(Upgraded)
« on: February 20, 2012, 02:35:29 pm »
[SIZE=0]Nuclear Insanity Accords[/SIZE]


                         The Nuclear Proliferation League and the Random Insanity Alliance,
                     hereinafter referred to as the Parties,

                         Believing that global challenges and threats require new
                     approaches to interaction across the whole range of their
                     strategic relations,

                         Working therefore to forge a new strategic relationship
                     based on mutual trust, openness, predictability, and

                         Desiring to bring their respective nuclear postures into
                     alignment with this new relationship, and endeavoring to
                     expand further the role and importance of nuclear weapons

                         Seeking to preserve continuity in, and provide new impetus
                     to, the step-by-step process of expanding and proliferating nuclear
                     arms while maintaining the safety and security of their
                     nuclear arsenals, and with a view to expanding this process in
                     the future, including to a multilateral approach,

                         Guided by the principle of indivisible security and
                     convinced that measures for the expansion and proliferation of
                     strategic offensive arms and the other obligations set forth
                     in this Treaty will enhance predictability and stability, and
                     thus the security of both Parties,

                         Have agreed as follows:

                          1. Each Party agrees not to aim their nuclear weapons
                     at each other, only at others.

                         2. Each Party agrees to share information, especially about
                     threats to each other's nuclear stockpiles.

                         3. Each Party agrees not to share information, technology,
                     or other aid with those who are threatening the nuclear stockpiles
                     of the other.

                         4. Each Party agrees to share technology and aid, if requested,
                     to further each other's nuclear proliferation goals.

                         5. The Parties agree to create a joint nuclear proliferation
                     research center in Florida to research new ways to further
                     their nuclear proliferation.

                         6. The Parties agree they always have the option to combine
                     their nuclear stockpiles for use against a common target.

                        This Treaty shall be subject to ratification in accordance
                     with the constitutional procedures of each Party. This Treaty
                     shall enter into force on the date of the exchange of
                     instruments of ratification.
                       Each Party may propose amendments to this Treaty. If
                     either Party raises the issue of the modification of this
                     Treaty, the Parties shall jointly consider the matter. Agreed
                     amendments shall enter into force in accordance with the
                     constitutional procedures of each Party.

                         Each Party shall, in exercising its alliance sovereignty,
                     have the right to withdraw from this Treaty if it decides that
                     extraordinary events related to the subject matter of this
                     Treaty have jeopardized its supreme interests.  It shall give
                     notice of its decision to the other Party.  Such notice shall
                     contain a statement of the extraordinary events the notifying
                     Party regards as having jeopardized its supreme interests.
                     This Treaty shall terminate three days from the date of
                     receipt by the other Party of the aforementioned notice,
                     unless the notice specifies a later date.

                     Done at Florida, this twenty-seventh day of July, 2011.

           For the                                            For the
           Nuclear Proliferation League:                      Random Insanity Alliance:
            Triumvir of the Exterior: King Wally                Shadow, Triumvir of Random Insanity,
            Triumvir of the Interior: KemMo                             The Ultimate Lifeform,
            Triumvir of the Defenses: Centurion Adamus                  Mystic Dragon Emperor
            Lord of Foreign Affairs: Smurthwaite                         of the Cheeselands,
            Lord of Defenses: Morjon                                    Puppetmaster of Chaos
            Lord of Education: Corps                            im317, Triumvir,
            Lord of Recruiting: Whitegoodman                           Former Elder of PotD,
            Lord of Information: Spaztik Muffin                        in search of new sig material
                                                                Croix - Head of Internal Affairs
                                                                Jenne - HoMO,
                                                                        Promoting glowing stuff since 2006
                                                                cctmsp13 - Viceroy of Economics
                                                                Mogar, Head of Recruitment
                                                                       Minister of Mogar Affairs
                                                                       Minister of Attention
                                                                       CN's Psychologist
                                                                       All Around Nice Guy

Strength through loyalty and honor...

Fun times:

* Kem[NPL] sues Xiph
<Liz> you'll get 10% of his yogurt.
<Liz> :p
<Kem[NPL]> I demand 50%
<Liz> law says 10%
<Kem[NPL]> Damn, only you get 50, Lizosis
<Kem[NPL]> 0_0
<Liz> Oh no you didn't.

<KemJ> No, my cock physically touching another dude's would be weird as fuck
<AngelRick> ((
<AngelRick> sorry it's 2am I need to stop talking >_<
<KemJ> XD
* AngelRick Quit (Quit: Leaving)
<KemJ> Actually I might do it if I'd never see the other guy again
<KemJ> Maybe
<KemJ> Fuck he left
<KemJ> Now it's not funny just gay

<Catman1776[NPL]> fine post all the porn you want
<Catman1776[NPL]> post porn of porn
<Catman1776[NPL]> hell post porn of cybernations I don't care
<Catman1776[NPL]> :I
<Kem[NPLurks]> I don't even know what that would be.
<Catman1776[NPL]> JamesTaggart[FEAR|VC] did you hear me?! POST IT AAAAAALLLLL
<Catman1776[NPL]> I don
<Catman1776[NPL]> I don't either Kem
<Catman1776[NPL]> I honestly dont want to find out
<Kem[NPLurks]> I kinda do
<Catman1776[NPL]> creepy bastard
<Lurunin[PPO]> kemmo
<Lurunin[PPO]> picture this
<Lurunin[PPO]> Sardonic, naked
<Lurunin[PPO]> on top of a nuke
<Catman1776[NPL]> is that propaganda for us or them
<Kem[NPLurks]> I just jizzed.
<Catman1776[NPL]> oh for christsakes..
<Lurunin[PPO]> lmfaop


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