Author Topic: The SuperFriends (MADP Bloc(cancelled))  (Read 1561 times)

Offline Kem

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The SuperFriends (MADP Bloc(cancelled))
« on: May 19, 2012, 05:52:08 pm »
The SuperFriends Pact

I. Preamble
The undersigned alliances hereby reaffirm their faith in the fundamental rights, dignity, and sovereignty of the signatories and enter into this Mutual Aggression and Defense Pact to fortify, strengthen, and promote the ties of peace and friendship.

II. Sovereignty
While all signatories and their respective members shall remain civil to each other at all times, as well as projecting to the public an aura of unity, it is acknowledged and required that all member alliances shall remain free and sovereign.

III. Peace and Security
All signatory member alliances state that they will not declare war upon any other. Should any member nation so declare, they must offer peace immediately, as well as reparations of no less than 150% of the damages caused by any attacks. No member nation may aid the aggressor so long as that state of war exists. The victim of such attacks may not retaliate in any way for twenty-four hours following notification to their alliance of the war, to allow time for diplomatic resolution, unless the assault includes multiple aggressors of the same alliance or de facto/de jure allies.

IV. Aid
Member nations of signatory alliances may not offer foreign aid to nations engaged in war with either of the other signatory. Any nation that offers such aid must make arrangements for an offer of foreign aid to the other signatory, equal to 150% of the original aid to the enemy nation, to be paid after said war is resolved.

V. Espionage
No signatory alliance will engage in espionage against another. Should any party receive information that indicates a breach of any member's security, they must notify the relevant alliance(s) through secure channels immediately.

VI. War
A. An attack on one signatory is considered an attack on the entire membership of the bloc.

B. All signatories agree to defend other member alliances via military, political, and financial actions in the event that an aggressive war is enacted by an outside alliance or group.

C. Any other signatory may refrain from participation in a defensive conflict with the consent of the engaged alliance.

D. Member alliances will not be required to participate in aggressive wars initiated by another member alliance unless approved by the bloc. Approval for offensive actions must be passed by 2/3 of the current signatories no less than 48 hours before said conflict begins. Voluntary participation in unapproved offensive wars is discretionary.

E. Any other signatory may refrain from participation in an approved offensive conflict with the consent of the engaged party.

F. Aggressive wars commenced by any signatory against another alliance (defined as having 10 or more active members) must be made known to the other members at least 4 hours before commencing.

G. No other signatory may take any action, whether military, political, or financial, on behalf of another signatory without the approval of that alliance. Approval may come from their official bloc delegates, any member of their diplomatic corp, or any government official.

H. The original engaged alliance will serve as the military leadership for any campaign originating with them, or may designate another bloc alliance to fulfill that function. Individual alliances will retain control and leadership of their own military, but will cooperate with the leadership alliance.

VII. Membership
A. Upon ratification of this treaty, additional signatories may be added upon unanimous vote of all current signatories. Prospective signatories will only be considered upon an official invitation and sponsorship of a current signatory.

B. Signatories may be removed from this treaty upon a vote of 3/4 of the remaining signatories for any reason. Failure of any alliance to make a post in the bloc forums for a period of one week, after PMs have been sent to that alliance's official delegates and leader on their own forums, shall be grounds for an immediate expulsion vote.

C. All membership votes must last a minimum of 72 hours, unless the required number of votes is reached at an earlier time, and be preceded by 48 hours of discussion on the bloc forums before voting may commence.

D. All signatories shall have equal representation and an equal voice.

E. All member alliances shall have three official delegates, one of which shall be the primary delegate by that alliance's government. The primary delegate shall have admin rights to the bloc forums and shall be responsible for casting official votes for his/her alliance. Any signatory may change their delegates at any time. The Fark primary delegate shall serve as the Root Admin, but will otherwise have no other additional right or privilege.

F. Only official delegates shall have ops on the bloc IRC channel, which shall be #superfriends on

G. Any member alliance who undergoes a merger resulting in a greater than 25% increase in members will automatically have their membership status converted to probationary member upon the date the merger agreement is made. A revote for continuing membership will immediately commence according to the guidelines laid out in Article VII, Section C.

VIII. Violations
Failure of any member nation to uphold the terms of this treaty will result in immediate disciplinary action by that nation's alliance, with the primary punishment being expulsion.

IX. Amendments
This treaty may be amended by vote of 3/4 of the signatory alliances. All amendment votes must last a minimum of 72 hours and be preceded by 48 hours of discussion on the bloc forums before voting may commence.

X. Other treaties
A. Nothing in this treaty shall restrict any signatory from passing independent treaties with any other alliance.

B. All conflicts arising from participation in an outside treaty shall be considered offensive acts and shall require the prescribed voting before bloc action can be required.

XI. Withdrawal
If any signatory alliance feels that this treaty has been unjustly violated and diplomatic negotiations have not offered any sort of resolution, they have the right to withdraw from the treaty by the express will of their respective decision making bodies. Notification of withdrawal must be given to the other signatories within forty-eight hours. Should membership in this treaty be revoked by any alliance, a twenty-four hour grace period begins in which no remaining alliance may declare war on the other, after which no such rules apply.

Signed for Atlantic Shadow Confederation:
Pale Horse, Triad
Portugal, Triad

Signed for Farkistan:
Cable77, Submitter
Dirk Farkly, Squirrel
Queen Hoopdy the 1st, TotalFark Council
Captain Impavid, TotalFark Council
Wouldestous, TotalFark Council
Quadriplegic, TotalFark Council
Fluoroalien, TotalFark Council

Signed for Random Insanity Alliance:
Azural, Leader
Vintus - Some Guy...that's a co-leader
Damen, Head of Foreign Affairs
zombie2000, War Advisor
Moth - HoF--I mean Lea*scribbles over that*Economic Advisor!!1!

Signed for the Global Order of Darkness:
Xiphosis, Emperor of GOD
President Smith, Emperor of GOD
Big_Z, Triumvir of Foreign Affairs
Darth Sexy, Triumvir of War
Nukular Winter, Triumvir of Internal Affairs

Signed for Ragnarok:
Van Hoo III, Emperor of Ragnarok
General Lee, Prime Minister
Bad Omen, High Chancellor
Konung Lindstrom, Lord of War

Signed for R&R:[/i]
Gofastleft, President of R&R
Danielg42, R&R Senate
KCToker, R&R Senate
Lu Ying, R&R Senate
Skinny Bones Jones, R&R Senate
stl_lyons, R&R Senate
viking goalie, R&R Senate

Signed for Monos Archein:[/i]
KaitlinK, Archein
In Spades, Regent
Mamaduck, Chancellor
Bronzestar, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Signed for the Nuclear Proliferation League:

KemMo, Prime Minister
Smurthwaite, Deputy Prime Minister
King Wally, Warhead of Foreign Affairs

Gofast2006, Advisor
Morjon, Advisor

The Members of NPL
« Last Edit: July 22, 2013, 10:05:35 pm by Dark Zone Elite »

Strength through loyalty and honor...

Fun times:

* Kem[NPL] sues Xiph
<Liz> you'll get 10% of his yogurt.
<Liz> :p
<Kem[NPL]> I demand 50%
<Liz> law says 10%
<Kem[NPL]> Damn, only you get 50, Lizosis
<Kem[NPL]> 0_0
<Liz> Oh no you didn't.

<KemJ> No, my cock physically touching another dude's would be weird as fuck
<AngelRick> ((
<AngelRick> sorry it's 2am I need to stop talking >_<
<KemJ> XD
* AngelRick Quit (Quit: Leaving)
<KemJ> Actually I might do it if I'd never see the other guy again
<KemJ> Maybe
<KemJ> Fuck he left
<KemJ> Now it's not funny just gay

<Catman1776[NPL]> fine post all the porn you want
<Catman1776[NPL]> post porn of porn
<Catman1776[NPL]> hell post porn of cybernations I don't care
<Catman1776[NPL]> :I
<Kem[NPLurks]> I don't even know what that would be.
<Catman1776[NPL]> JamesTaggart[FEAR|VC] did you hear me?! POST IT AAAAAALLLLL
<Catman1776[NPL]> I don
<Catman1776[NPL]> I don't either Kem
<Catman1776[NPL]> I honestly dont want to find out
<Kem[NPLurks]> I kinda do
<Catman1776[NPL]> creepy bastard
<Lurunin[PPO]> kemmo
<Lurunin[PPO]> picture this
<Lurunin[PPO]> Sardonic, naked
<Lurunin[PPO]> on top of a nuke
<Catman1776[NPL]> is that propaganda for us or them
<Kem[NPLurks]> I just jizzed.
<Catman1776[NPL]> oh for christsakes..
<Lurunin[PPO]> lmfaop

Offline Kem

  • Head Mother Fucker in Charge (RETIRED)
  • Prime Minister
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  • Posts: 2657
  • The demon inside lurks just beneath my skin.
Re: The SuperFriends (MADP Bloc)
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2012, 01:11:04 am »
Current SuperFriends Delegation Listing

If you need to contact an official delegate to the SuperFriends treaty, please contact one of the following:

Global Order of Darkness

Random Insanity Alliance
Shadow Slayer

Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations
Liz Girard


Nuclear Proliferation League
King Wally
« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 03:06:42 am by Kem »

Strength through loyalty and honor...

Fun times:

* Kem[NPL] sues Xiph
<Liz> you'll get 10% of his yogurt.
<Liz> :p
<Kem[NPL]> I demand 50%
<Liz> law says 10%
<Kem[NPL]> Damn, only you get 50, Lizosis
<Kem[NPL]> 0_0
<Liz> Oh no you didn't.

<KemJ> No, my cock physically touching another dude's would be weird as fuck
<AngelRick> ((
<AngelRick> sorry it's 2am I need to stop talking >_<
<KemJ> XD
* AngelRick Quit (Quit: Leaving)
<KemJ> Actually I might do it if I'd never see the other guy again
<KemJ> Maybe
<KemJ> Fuck he left
<KemJ> Now it's not funny just gay

<Catman1776[NPL]> fine post all the porn you want
<Catman1776[NPL]> post porn of porn
<Catman1776[NPL]> hell post porn of cybernations I don't care
<Catman1776[NPL]> :I
<Kem[NPLurks]> I don't even know what that would be.
<Catman1776[NPL]> JamesTaggart[FEAR|VC] did you hear me?! POST IT AAAAAALLLLL
<Catman1776[NPL]> I don
<Catman1776[NPL]> I don't either Kem
<Catman1776[NPL]> I honestly dont want to find out
<Kem[NPLurks]> I kinda do
<Catman1776[NPL]> creepy bastard
<Lurunin[PPO]> kemmo
<Lurunin[PPO]> picture this
<Lurunin[PPO]> Sardonic, naked
<Lurunin[PPO]> on top of a nuke
<Catman1776[NPL]> is that propaganda for us or them
<Kem[NPLurks]> I just jizzed.
<Catman1776[NPL]> oh for christsakes..
<Lurunin[PPO]> lmfaop


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