Author Topic: The Welcome to FUTURE! Accords(MDoAP w/ TORN)  (Read 1876 times)

Offline Kem

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The Welcome to FUTURE! Accords(MDoAP w/ TORN)
« on: October 26, 2012, 08:38:34 pm »

The Welcome to the FUTURE! Accords

Great Scott... It's a Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact between the Nuclear Proliferation League and The Order of Righteous Nations!

Article 1: Mutual Respect: Where we're going we don't need roads... but we do need respect. Signatories of this pact pledge Mutual Respect toward each other. Both parties will agree not to travel back in time to make out with each others mothers back when they were still hot. Well ok you can get ONE go each, but nothing past 2nd base!

Article 2: Non-Aggression: Both signatories will hereafter refrain from any form of hostile activity toward each other including but not limited to hover board theft, fist fights at Prom Nights, and sabotage to each others Deloreans.

Article 3: Mutual Defense: Should either signatory be subject to an act of aggression from Biff, his cronies, or other 3rd parties they are within their rights to request assistance from the other signatory who is obligated to provide military support. Should either signatory become involved in a war via a treaty with another ally, the other signatory will be encouraged, but not be obligated, to offer military assistance.

Article 4: Optional Aggression: Nobody calls me chicken... and if it becomes necesary for one party to commit an act of aggression upon a third party to prove this, they may request military support from the other signatory, military assistance in this circumstance however becomes optional in obligation.

Article 5: Aid and Assistance: Should either signatory require assistance in generating the 1.21 gigawatts of power they need to kick start their Delorean they may request support from the other signatory. The other signatory has the option to supply whatever aid or political support they deam necesary to assist.

Article 6: Communication: Any information gained by one signatory of an important military, political or sporting bet nature that effects the other party is required to be shared in a timely manner with the other signatory.

Article 7: Cancellation
Should either signatory get bored with their life in the future this pact may be canceled after providing 72 hours notice at which point the departing party will be free to fly their Delorian back to the Wild West era to spend their final days in some flee ridden whisky soaked hell hole of a town.

Signed for the Nuclear Proliferation League

Prime Minister - KemMo
Deputy Prime Minister - Gofast2006
Warhead of Foreign Affairs - King Wally
Warhead of Defense - Steve
Warhead of Communications - Smurthwaite
Warhead of Recruiting - Houston
Warhead of Economics - Irish Republic
Warhead of Education - Dark Zone Elite
Warhead at Large - Systemfailure

Signed for The Order of Righteous Nations

Thickführer - His Royal Thickness
Triumvir of Foreign Affairs - rileyaddaff
Triumvir of War - SinisterCanuck
Duumvirs of Internal Affairs - DVDCCHN, Spacecadet
Representative - Remenant
« Last Edit: March 06, 2013, 01:10:49 pm by Irish Republic »

Strength through loyalty and honor...

Fun times:

* Kem[NPL] sues Xiph
<Liz> you'll get 10% of his yogurt.
<Liz> :p
<Kem[NPL]> I demand 50%
<Liz> law says 10%
<Kem[NPL]> Damn, only you get 50, Lizosis
<Kem[NPL]> 0_0
<Liz> Oh no you didn't.

<KemJ> No, my cock physically touching another dude's would be weird as fuck
<AngelRick> ((
<AngelRick> sorry it's 2am I need to stop talking >_<
<KemJ> XD
* AngelRick Quit (Quit: Leaving)
<KemJ> Actually I might do it if I'd never see the other guy again
<KemJ> Maybe
<KemJ> Fuck he left
<KemJ> Now it's not funny just gay

<Catman1776[NPL]> fine post all the porn you want
<Catman1776[NPL]> post porn of porn
<Catman1776[NPL]> hell post porn of cybernations I don't care
<Catman1776[NPL]> :I
<Kem[NPLurks]> I don't even know what that would be.
<Catman1776[NPL]> JamesTaggart[FEAR|VC] did you hear me?! POST IT AAAAAALLLLL
<Catman1776[NPL]> I don
<Catman1776[NPL]> I don't either Kem
<Catman1776[NPL]> I honestly dont want to find out
<Kem[NPLurks]> I kinda do
<Catman1776[NPL]> creepy bastard
<Lurunin[PPO]> kemmo
<Lurunin[PPO]> picture this
<Lurunin[PPO]> Sardonic, naked
<Lurunin[PPO]> on top of a nuke
<Catman1776[NPL]> is that propaganda for us or them
<Kem[NPLurks]> I just jizzed.
<Catman1776[NPL]> oh for christsakes..
<Lurunin[PPO]> lmfaop


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