The Reactor Core
Charter of the NPL
Table of Contents:
I. Introduction
II. Activity Policy
III. Admissions
IV. Government
V. Tech Raiding Policy
I. Introduction
The Nuclear Proliferation League is a group of nations that have gathered with the goals of achieving nuclear capabilities. Our foundations are brotherhood and Loyalty.
II. Activity Policy
Being an active member is required by alliance policy. To be considered active you must check the alliance forums, and one's nation at least once a week. If one has
a planned absence, a public announcement on the forums must be made and then one will be considered excused. The major guiding rule here though, is RL > CN.
III. Admissions to NPL
Any Ruler may request admittance into the NPL by meeting the following requirements.
1. Must not be engaged in an offensive war
2. Must not be on any Zero Infrastructure lists
3. Must provide the below information
Ruler name
Nation name
Nation link
Are you in a trade circle? If not, are you willing to join an NPL Government sponsored trade circle?
Previous alliances
If you had a previous alliance, what was your reason for leaving?
Previous positions
Reason you joined NPL?
IV. Government
Article I. The Prime Minister
The Prime Minister holds office for the entire life of the alliance, resignation, or if removed from office via the guidelines laid out in this document. The Prime Minister holds the authority to make alliance policy, sign Optional treaties, declare war on an alliance pursuant to a non-optional treaty, expel members other then the Triumvirs, and appoint members to the High Government. The Prime Minister will also hold Veto power over the Triumvirate on internal matters should the need arise. Upon resigning, the Prime Minister must chose a replacement and have it ratified by the Triumvirate.
Article IA. Removing from Office
The Prime Minister may be removed from office by a unanimous decision by the Triumvirate.
Article II. The Triumvirate
The Triumvirate is a collectively equal body to the Prime Minister. They shall be tasked with both guiding the alliance towards it's goals and it's daily operations. The Triumvirate will collectively hold the power to sign Optional Treaties, declare war on an alliance pursuant to a Mutual treaty, make internal policy. The Triumvirate makes all decisions, unless specified otherwise, by a 2/3 consensus. The Triumvirate may, by a 3/3 consensus veto any action by the Prime Minister.
Article IIA. The Triumvirs
The Triumvir's, on an individual level have the authority to appoint members to areas they are overseeing, run any departments they are advising and expel members and make emergency decisions, at their discretion. A Triumvir, upon resignation, must select a replacement and have it ratified by the Prime Minister. A Triumvir may be removed from office via a 3/3 vote from the remainder of the Triumvirate and the Prime Minister.
Article III. Prime Minister - Triumvirate Joint Decisions
In order for a Declaration of war pursuant to an optional treaty or otherwise, a consensus needs to be reached by the Triumvirate and the Prime Minister. In order for the entry into any Mutual level treaty, a consensus between the Prime Minister and Triumvirate will also be required. A consensus is defined as both 2/3 of the Triumvirate and the Prime Minister.
Article IV. High Government
High Government is the guiding and ruling body of the alliance, it shall consist of the Prime Minister, all members of the Triumvirate, and any appointees of the Prime Minister. They shall be afforded the powers to negotiate on behalf of the alliance, expell non-high government members. and any other necessary powers for the general management of the alliance, it's members, and it's policies. The Prime Minister is the only figure with the power to appoint a member to High Government. Both the Triumvirate and the Prime Minister, may remove them.
Article V. The Warheads
The Warheads are the administrative body of the alliance and oversee the following departments:
Foreign Affairs
Specific duties are set by the Triumvirate.
A Warhead will always be considered a candidate for High Government upon their ascension to the rank of Warhead. A Warhead shall be allowed to appoint Deputies to assist in his or her duties, subject to approval by High Government.
Article VI. Chain of Command
Prime Minister/Triumvirate > High Gov. > Warheads > Deputies > Members
V. Tech Raiding
Tech raiding is defined as any attack on an unalign nation for the benefit of the attacker or the attacker's alliance. Unaligned is defined as
being on the NONE AA, or on an unprotected AA of 7 or less members. Members of the NPL may tech raid by requesting a target from NPL Government or
other authorized officials. NPL Members who attack aligned nations are automatically considered to have their membership revoked, unless a state of war exists between NPL and the defending alliance, or there is a specific exception made by NPL Government. Breaking any other regulations set out by
NPL Government can lead to expulsion and possibly forcible removal from the Alliance Affiliation.